*A fireside chat with Ader*
Q: What are your favorite labels?
any label that's exclusive. The best growing up was the gray and white custom postal shipping labels from back in the day. I used to go through bricks of them.
Q: How does the sticker scene in Japan compare to the sticker scene in the US?
Japan sticker scene is crazy a lot of the dudes put in heavy work. I'm certain that USA especially NYC layer down a blue print for them. They are definitely about saturation. Pending on area dudes go about placement in different ways.
Q: Did you always write "Ader"?
No I started official writing Ader in the spring of 1991. It was taken from a British tv show called "the black Ader"
Q: Are Japanese girls' genitals actually pixelated?
I have yet to see that.
Q: What kind of socks do you wear?
Comfortable ones. Uniqlo Heat tech for the winter.
Q: What's your favorite instant ramen?
Chicken noodle one is the jump off.